Mind The Gap

This is my novel which I will be attempting to write during the month of November as part of National Novel Writing Month, as I'm in England, I'm doing my bit to make it International Novel Writing Month. I'm really not sure I'll actually manage to finish, but I will give it a go. Obviously writing to a deadline of one month is by definition going to be rushed, so please, if you do spot mistakes it'd be great if you'd let me know, I'd also love any feedback, constructive criticism etc.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Well, I clearly didn't make it. I just noticed something I hadn't even realised which is that there was an incomplete draft of chapter 9 stored here on blogger, that I never posted, might as well post it I guess. I may continue this story, Mark seemed interested. I kind of want to finish it, so maybe I will keep trying never mind that I've completely missed the deadline.


Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

Hi Ali...Wow! While I was searching for info on wood working technique I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for wood working technique. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about wood working technique.

November 14, 2005 at 8:00 PM  
Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

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November 15, 2005 at 5:45 AM  
Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

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November 15, 2005 at 10:37 PM  
Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

Hi Ali...Wow! While I was searching for info on wood working clamps I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for wood working clamps. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about wood working clamps.

November 16, 2005 at 6:41 PM  
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September 1, 2007 at 5:24 AM  
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September 2, 2007 at 2:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is a creative writing project originating in the United States in which each participant attempts to write a 50,000 word novel, sportsbook, in a single month. Despite the name, the project is now international in scope. 101,767 writers participated in 2007, with 15,335 reported winners, for a cumulative word total of 1,187,931,929 words, as stated on the home page of the web site. http://www.enterbet.com,

December 16, 2007 at 6:15 PM  

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